
Creative Monday

Welcome to Creative Monday, a list of fun, ideal sharing posts, from artists and crafters everywhere!

Pictures are on a fabric panelfo by VIP Cranston, Granny and Her Quilt. 
I found two of these and I am keeping one to make for me and selling the other one.

These posts can be from your blog or your take about another post.  It can be tutorials, videos, podcast, or posts about something you have made or would love to learn to make, a new art or craft product, or an amazing giveaway you want to share.

Please keep your submission in the field of arts and crafts and hand made, which can include painting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, fiber arts, fabric dying, quilting, embellishments, jewelry making, leather works, wood works, even techniques - the list is pretty much endless. 

Participating Guidelines: 

Link up your blog post using the Mr Linky widget below.  Please remember to use the URL of the actual blog post and not a blogs home page.

In the Name box please put the title or subject matter so as to give us an idea of the topic of the blog post.

1 comment:

Lady Artisan said...

So, I did a part 2 and 3 for the personalized leather pamphlet and figured I'd list part 2 here for those that might have followed the link to part 1 last time.