
Testamonials About Benefits of Coconut Oil

Testimonials about the benefits of coconut oil continued.

Hormone Balance: I have been taking coconut oil for 2 months. What I noticed with regards to periods was that this period was not as painful. I usually feel like I was hit by a truck when it does come on, very painful or very sore in the lower back, but this time no pain only a feeling of tiredness. This was a welcome relief from my usual pains. I have not had such an easy period in a long time. Martha

I must say that I've seen some very nice changes in the past 2 weeks since starting virgin coconut oil. PMS is non-existent -- this is incredible for me, as I generally ovulate very early (around day 10) and then am in PMS for 2 weeks. Right now I should be in the midst of it and fell NOTHING! I'm sleeping through the night, my skin is better, energy level up. Plus, I'm dropping weight -- or at least inches -- pants that were unwearable 2-3 weeks ago are fitting comfortably right now. Teresa

Fibromyalgia -- I have had very painful fibromyalgia for the past 15 years so I have been using the virgin coconut oil now for two months and have no pain at, no pain!!! And a lot more energy. My skin has never looked so good. Danne

Virgin coconut oil is the only thing that helped me with fibromyalgia. I was pretty sick when I started taking it and recommend it to every on that has body pain of any kind or to just build your immunity. I would say I started with positive benefits with 3 tablespoons a day. Eileen

Coconut oil affects the root cause of many health problems. If the cause is removed, all the symptoms associated with it go as well. Most of the health problems people complain about are simply symptoms of an underlying condition.

Coconut oil appears to have the unique ability to normalize function in the body. For example, if someone is overweight it can help that person lose excess body fat; if the person is underweight, it can help that person gain weight. Coconut oil raises metabolism and if you eat it too late in the evening it can give you so much energy you might have difficulty going to sleep.

However, many people who suffer from insomnia report that when they start using coconut oil they sleep better. Hormones are also affected. Thyroid function, for example, improves. Those with low thyroid function experience an increase in metabolism. Yet those who have an overactive thyroid (metabolism too high) do not experience an increase in thyroid activity. The hormonal system doesn't go too far one way or the other, it goes where it should to be in proper balance. In older people it can turn back the clock making them feel more youthful. In fact, many have reported the reversal of age related hormonal changes. Body functions are revitalized.

Because coconut oil can influence a large variety of conditions and because it is harmless even in large doses, it can truly be called a health tonic. Regardless of your state of health and no matter what your health concerns may be, coconut oil can be of benefit to you.

The coconut palm is revered as the "Tree of Life." For these reasons, many people consider it to be the healthiest oil on earth.

If you have never tried virgin coconut oil now is the time to see for yourself the wondrous benefits to your body you can reap from using this healthy oil.

I wish to thank Dr Bruce Fife and his Coconut Research Center for all their work and sharing the benefits of coconut oil with the world. Dr Fife's books are available for purchase by clicking on the link at the top of the page.

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